Our father was a gentle man and in his quiet way
He taught us lessons that remain with us down to this day.
He taught us by example not to judge folks until we knew
what circumstances caused them to behave the way they do.
He set us a pattern of the way life should be lived
Not to be just a 'taker'; that we should learn how to give.
When we felt that we had been betrayed by circumstance or friend
Our Dad was always there for us; on him we could depend.
We think of all the little things he did to help us cope.
With all the traumas  we faced and how he gave us hope.
He taught us not to hesitate Life's unknown paths to tread,
For with strong faith in God we need not fear the way ahead.
Our Dad's been gone for a number of years but every Father's Day
We remember him with love and thanks in our special way.

Uncle John and Aunt Paula thank you so much for this lovely poem.
It has brought me much joy, as yet another Father's Day goes by with out him.
Thank you so much for you thoughts and best wishes for us on this day.

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